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What is your leadership style? Discover and enhance your career

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Have you ever wondered what your leadership style is? Whether you’re already in a leadership position or aspire to be one, understanding your unique leadership style is essential to your success. In this article, we’ll help you discover your leadership style and provide insights into how you can enhance your career by leveraging your strengths.

From the authoritative to the transformational, we’ll explore various leadership styles and provide tips on how to cultivate the traits that make you an effective leader. So, whether you’re a seasoned executive or just starting out, read on to learn how to unlock your leadership potential and take your career to the next level.

drawing with a paper boat leading other boats behind

source: pexels

What Is Leadership?

Before we dive into how to figure out your leadership style, let’s understand what leadership is. Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people to achieve a common goal. This involves not only making important decisions, but also motivating and inspiring others to follow your example.

Why is Leadership Style Important?

Each person has a different leadership style, and each style can be effective in different situations. Discovering your leadership style can help you better understand how you work with others and how you can be more effective in the workplace. Additionally, honing your leadership style can help you stand out as a strong, confident leader, which can lead to opportunities for career growth.

How to Discover Your Leadership Style

There are several tests and quizzes available online that can help you discover your leadership style. However, you can also discover your leadership style through self-reflection and observing how you interact with others in the workplace.

1. Self-reflection

Think about situations where you had to lead others in the past. How did you behave in these situations? Did you prefer to make all the decisions yourself or did you allow other team members to contribute? Have you focused more on getting things done or on motivating and inspiring your team?

2. Observation

Watch how you interact with other people in the workplace. Are you an authoritative leader who gives orders or do you prefer to work in a team to make decisions? Are you good at motivating and inspiring others, or do you prefer to focus on your own tasks?

The Different Leadership Styles

There are many different leadership styles, and each can be effective in different situations. Here are some of the most common leadership styles:

1. Autocratic Leadership

The autocratic leadership style is characterized by a leader who makes all decisions without consulting his team. In this leadership style, the leader is seen as the sole source of authority and power, and team members have no say in decisions made.

While this style can be effective in crisis situations or in environments where decisions need to be made quickly, it can create a negative and demotivating work environment. Team members can feel undervalued and powerless, which can lead to a lack of engagement and productivity.

In addition, the autocratic leadership style can impede the development of team skills and competencies, since the leader is solely responsible for the decisions and actions taken. This can lead to a less prepared and less effective team in the long run.

In summary, while the autocratic leadership style can be useful in some specific situations, it is not advisable as a general leadership style. This leadership style can create a negative and demotivating work environment, and prevent the development of team skills and competencies. An effective leader must consider the opinion and feedback of his team, encouraging a collaborative work culture and joint development.

2. Democratic Leadership

The democratic leadership style is one of the most popular and effective. This style is characterized by collaborative leadership, where the leader involves his team in decision-making processes and encourages feedback and contribution from all team members.

Democratic leaders are known for their ability to create a positive, collaborative work environment where everyone feels valued and heard. This leadership style also helps to develop creativity and innovation in the team, as all team members are encouraged to contribute ideas and solutions.

However, it is important to note that the democratic leadership style can be more time consuming and requires more effort from the leader to involve his team in decision-making processes. Also, in some emergency situations, it may be necessary for the leader to make quick decisions without consulting the team.

In short, the democratic leadership style can be a great fit for leaders who want to create a collaborative work culture and encourage innovation within their team. However, it is important to strike a balance between involving the team in decision-making processes and making quick and effective decisions when necessary.

3. Transformational Leadership

The transformational leadership style is characterized by a leader who inspires and motivates his team to reach higher goals and to develop personally and professionally. This leadership style encourages creativity, innovation and skill development in the team.

Transformational leaders are known for their ability to inspire and motivate their team, creating a positive, high-performance work environment. They encourage the team to think outside the box and look for innovative solutions to problems.

In addition, transformational leaders are also concerned with developing individual team skills and competencies, helping each member reach their full potential. They recognize the individual needs of each team member and seek to encourage and support their growth.

However, it is important to note that the transformational leadership style can be challenging for some leaders as it requires a high level of commitment and involvement with the team. In addition, it may be necessary to invest time and resources in training and developing staff so that they can reach their full potential.

In summary, the transformational leadership style can be a great choice for leaders who want to create a positive, inspiring, high-performance work environment. This leadership style encourages creativity, innovation and skill development in the team, helping each member reach their full potential.

4. Laissez-Faire Leadership

The Laissez-Faire leadership style, or “letting go” in literal translation, is characterized by a leader who delegates most responsibilities and decision-making to the team. In this leadership style, the leader steps away from the team’s daily activities and allows them to work independently.

This leadership style can be effective in situations where the team is highly skilled and autonomous, but it may not be suitable in all situations. In some cases, a lack of guidance and feedback from the leader can lead to a lack of direction and focus from the team.

Furthermore, the Laissez-Faire leadership style can be challenging for leaders who have difficulty delegating responsibilities and trusting their team. It is important to remember that even in a Laissez-Faire leadership style, the leader is still responsible for the success of the team and must be available to offer guidance and support when needed.

In summary, the Laissez-Faire leadership style can be an effective option for highly skilled and autonomous teams, but it may not be suitable for all situations. Leaders who adopt this leadership style must be willing to delegate responsibilities and trust their team, while still offering guidance and support when needed.

How to Improve Your Leadership Style

Once you’ve figured out your leadership style, it’s important to improve it to become a more effective leader. Here are some ways to improve your leadership style:

1. Learn to Delegate

If you tend to make all the decisions yourself, it can help to learn how to delegate tasks to other team members. This can help alleviate stress and work overload, while allowing your team to feel more involved and valued.

2. Work on Communication

Communication is an important skill for any leader. Make sure you’re clearly communicating with your team, actively listening to their concerns, and providing constructive feedback when needed.

3. Be a Mentor

As a leader, you should strive to be a mentor to other team members. This involves sharing your knowledge and experience with them, encouraging them to grow and develop their skills, and providing guidance and support when needed.

4. Be Open to New Ideas

A strong leader must be open to new ideas and suggestions. This will allow your team to feel heard and valued, which can lead to a more motivated and engaged team.

5. Give constructive feedback

Constructive feedback can help the team improve and grow. Be sure to give specific, constructive feedback rather than negative criticism. Be open to receiving feedback from the team as well.

6. Develop your problem solving skills

Leaders need to be prepared to solve problems and make difficult decisions. Develop your problem-solving skills by looking at issues carefully, considering all options and making informed decisions.


Discovering your leadership style can be a journey of self-discovery, but it’s an important skill to develop if you want to advance your career. Remember that each leadership style has its strengths and weaknesses, and that you can improve your style to become a more effective leader. Work on communication, learn to delegate, and mentor other team members, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a strong, confident leader.


There is no “best” or most effective leadership style, as each situation and team may require different leadership approaches. It’s important to be flexible and adapt your leadership style to your team’s needs and goals.

There are many leadership style tests and assessments available online or through leadership training programs. These tools can help you better understand your leadership skills and how to improve them.

There are many ways to develop your leadership skills, including reading, leadership training, mentoring, networking and learning from other successful leaders. It’s also important to be open to receiving feedback and to focus on continuous development.

To be a more empathetic leader, it’s important to develop your emotional intelligence skills and focus on connecting with your team on a personal level. This may involve listening to their concerns and ideas, acknowledging their feelings, and offering support and positive feedback.

Clear communication is essential to effectively leading a team. Clear and consistent communication helps ensure that your team understands the team’s expectations, objectives, and goals. It also helps to create a positive work environment and to increase trust and collaboration among the team.

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