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10 Ways to Increase Self-Awareness

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Self-awareness is a key component of personal growth and development, yet it’s often overlooked in our busy lives. Understanding our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can help us navigate relationships, work, and life with more clarity and purpose.

In this article, we’ll explore five practical strategies to increase your self-awareness and enhance your ability to understand yourself better. Whether you’re looking to improve your communication skills, relationships, or overall well-being, these techniques can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

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Self-awareness in leadership

One of the most important things for you to evolve as a Leader and gain results with your Team is to increase your self-awareness in leadership, this is very important for you to change your results, below we will address some items that you can work on.

There are several ways for you to evolve your self-knowledge, but some items are essential on this journey, which are:

Knowing your limits

You need to look from the outside in, be critical to understanding what your limits are, this will help you discover your limitations and understand why you take certain actions.

  • Identify the situations that get you out of control, that make you nervous and stressed, when you are aware of which situations get you out of control, you have the possibility of working on it and preventing that stress from occurring, or at least from occurring in lower intensity.
  • It is fundamental that you identify the feelings the emotions you feel when you lose control of the situation, knowing how to identify whether it is anger, sadness, anxiety.
  • Do not project your limits, that is, do not transfer your limits to other people.
  • Have better people around you: always be close to people who will complement you, who will bring you peace of mind and this is a great virtue, which is recognizing your limits, that you need to develop some talent.
  • Create a list of your weaknesses this should contain several items, if your list is zero or small, you need to reflect a little more on your limits and weaknesses.
  • The more we know our limitations, weaknesses and flaws, the greater the possibility of finding ways to evolve, for that it is necessary to leave fear behind and create courage to look within and face the challenges.
  • Imagine that your flaws are like anchors leaving you stuck at one point, not allowing you to evolve.
  • Don’t let your ego or your fear identify your weaknesses.

Develop your potential

Think about the things you are good at, you will find a lot, these are items that you will be able to work with high performance

  • You need to have a list of what your strengths are, it is essential to be clear about these points, you need to find opportunities where you can apply these virtues

How to build results

This is a serious introspection because you have to figure out what you want to do with your life—personal or professional—and how you want to do it.

  • The results and fruits of your life you need to reap during the journey and not at the end of the journey, you need to find happiness while doing your work and not expect that happiness at the end of life.
  • You need to have happiness as a companion in your life and not as a prize at the end of your life.
  • From the moment you do this self-reflection, YES it is possible to find the way to be happy and reap good results along the way, this is related to which lifestyle you want to have.

You need to reflect on what kind of leadership you will be, what will be the legacy? From a leadership that added to the lives of other people that made self-realizations, or from a leadership that humiliated people that went over everyone?

That is why this self-knowledge is so fundamental because every result has a consequence

A question you should ask yourself is: “how do I want to build results”, you need to have a long-term vision, you cannot only look at the short term.

From the Leader’s point of view, you have two types:

  1. Those who just want to hit the targets
  2. Those who want to build more sustainable results

This directly depends on your values and self-awareness.

Another item that will help you in this discovery of self-knowledge is to ask for feedback from people who know you, it can be family, close friends, your boss, ask for honest and sincere feedback and be prepared to hear things that you might not like, but have sure if these people are talking it’s for your good.

Think about what kind of Leader you want to be in 5 years from now and how you are going to build that way there, what are milestones you need to have along that way.

What are the biggest roadblocks to self-awareness?

There are several blocks that can prevent self-awareness in a person, here are some of the most common ones:

  • Lack of time for reflection: Lack of time to stop and reflect on one’s own emotions, behaviors and thoughts can prevent a person from developing self-awareness.
  • Afraid to face the truth: Some people are afraid to face the truth about themselves and prefer to ignore their own problems or weaknesses.
  • Inflated Ego: An inflated ego can prevent a person from being honest with themselves and recognizing their own faults and mistakes.
  • Lack of feedback: Lack of honest and constructive feedback can prevent a person from recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Stress: Stress can prevent a person from focusing on their own emotions and thoughts, which can lead to a lack of self-awareness.
  • Lack of knowledge about oneself: Some people may simply not have enough knowledge about themselves and their own emotions and thoughts to be self-aware.

Remember that self-awareness is a skill that can be developed with practice and conscious effort. If you identify any of these blocks in your life, it’s important to work on overcoming them and becoming more self-aware.

Enhancing Self-Awareness: 10 Effective Tips to Discover Your True Self

1. Engaging in Self-Reflection

Practice self-reflection: Take time to pause and introspect. Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Consider your values, beliefs, and goals. Self-reflection helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations. For example, set aside a few minutes each day to journal about your experiences and insights.

2. Embracing Feedback

Listen to feedback: Be open to receiving feedback from others. Listen attentively to what they have to say and consider their perspective. Feedback can provide valuable insights into your blind spots and areas for growth. Instead of becoming defensive, embrace feedback as an opportunity for self-improvement.

3. Engaging in Self-Inquiry

Ask tough questions: Challenge yourself to ask deep and thought-provoking questions. Explore your fears, desires, and aspirations. Question your assumptions and beliefs. By asking tough questions, you invite self-discovery and gain a better understanding of your innermost thoughts and desires.

4. Practicing Self-Observation

Practice self-observation: Develop the habit of observing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgment. Pay attention to your patterns, triggers, and reactions. By observing yourself objectively, you can identify patterns that hinder your growth and make conscious choices to change them.

5. Seeking New Experiences

Seek new experiences: Step outside your comfort zone and explore new opportunities. Engage in activities that challenge you and expose you to different perspectives. New experiences broaden your horizons and offer fresh insights into your own capabilities and preferences.

6. Taking Accountability

Apologize when necessary: Recognize when you’ve made a mistake or hurt someone. Take responsibility for your actions and offer genuine apologies. This practice not only demonstrates your self-awareness but also strengthens your relationships and fosters personal growth.

7. Cultivating Self-Discipline

Practice self-discipline: Develop the discipline to align your actions with your values and long-term goals. Prioritize tasks, manage your time effectively, and resist temptations that deviate from your desired path. By practicing self-discipline, you enhance your self-awareness and maintain focus on what truly matters.

8. Reflecting on Your Impact

Reflect on the impact you have: Consider how your words, actions, and choices affect others and the world around you. Reflect on the values you project and the influence you have on those you interact with. This reflection encourages self-awareness of your impact and enables you to make intentional choices aligned with your values.

9. Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Know your strengths and weaknesses: Take inventory of your strengths, skills, and areas for improvement. Embrace your strengths and leverage them in pursuit of your goals. Similarly, acknowledge your weaknesses and actively work on developing them. Self-awareness of your strengths and weaknesses allows for targeted personal and professional growth.

10. Identifying Emotional Triggers

Identify what triggers your negative emotions: Pay attention to situations or circumstances that provoke negative emotions within you. Identify your triggers and explore why they elicit such responses. By understanding your triggers, you can develop strategies to manage your emotions effectively and respond in a more constructive manner.

By implementing these 10 tips into your daily life, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness. Remember, self-awareness is an ongoing journey that requires continuous practice and exploration. Embrace the opportunity to discover your true self, unlock your potential, and live a more fulfilled life.


As we reach the end of this article on self-awareness in leadership, we can see how essential this skill is to becoming an effective and successful leader. Self-awareness allows leaders to better understand their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, as well as their strengths and limitations. Not only does this help improve decision making and problem solving, but it also helps you develop more positive and productive relationships with your team.

To be a successful leader, you need to know yourself well and always be looking to improve. So invest time in developing your self-awareness and seek honest and constructive feedback. Learn to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and use that knowledge to make more informed and effective decisions. Also, remember that self-awareness is a skill that can be improved with practice and time, so be patient with yourself and continue to dedicate yourself to this constant pursuit of self-improvement.

And to close this subject, be aware that all this will only happen if you make the decision to change and take action to make it happen, no one will do it for you, leave behind all the things that limit you and move on.


Self-awareness in leadership is the ability to understand and recognize your own thoughts, emotions and behaviors, as well as your strengths and weaknesses, in order to make more informed and effective decisions as a leader.

Self-awareness is important in leadership because it helps leaders better understand themselves and others, make more informed decisions, and develop more positive and productive relationships with their team.

You can develop your self-awareness as a leader by seeking honest and constructive feedback, reflecting on your own experiences and emotions, practicing active listening, and participating in activities that promote self-awareness, such as meditation or therapy.

A lack of self-awareness can negatively affect leadership, as leaders who are not aware of their own emotions and behaviors may find it difficult to effectively communicate with the team, make informed decisions, and develop positive relationships with team members.

Yes, self-awareness is a skill that can be learned and developed with time and practice. It’s important to be open to constructive feedback and be willing to reflect on yourself and your experiences to develop this skill.

To complement your knowledge we have a complete guide on how to become a better Leader in it you will find the best practices to achieve your goal.

Other references:

Thank you and see you!

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