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Diversity in hiring: How to turn your team into a reflection of society

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Diversity in the workplace is essential for building a strong, innovative, and successful team. However, despite the many benefits of diversity, many companies struggle to create a diverse workforce. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of diversity in hiring and provide practical tips on how to turn your team into a reflection of society.

From expanding your recruitment efforts to creating an inclusive culture, we’ll provide you with actionable strategies to help you build a diverse and successful team. So whether you’re a hiring manager, team leader, or just passionate about creating a more inclusive workplace, read on to learn how you can make a difference and help your team thrive.

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The importance of diversity in candidate selection and how to ensure an inclusive interview

Nowadays, diversity is an increasingly present theme in organizations, be it racial, gender, sexual orientation, among others. The inclusion of these diversities in the selection of candidates can bring several benefits to companies, from improving creativity to expanding the consumer public. 

However, companies often fail to ensure an inclusive interview and end up perpetuating discriminatory practices. This post will go through the significance of diversity in applicant selection and how to conduct an inclusive interview.

Diversity in the selection of candidates can bring several benefits to companies, such as:

Greater creativity

With people from various origins, cultures, and experiences, it is possible to have a wider diversity of ideas and thinking, which can lead to more creative and inventive solutions, which can lead to better problem solving and higher business creativity. In addition, the inclusion of underrepresented groups can increase the company’s representativeness, making it more relevant and connected with different segments of society.

Performance improvement

A diverse and inclusive environment can improve team performance, as different perspectives and opinions can lead to more complete and well-informed decision-making.

Expansion of the consumer public

A diverse company can appeal to a wider audience, as people tend to more easily identify with companies that represent diversity. This can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as improve the company’s reputation.

Social responsability

Furthermore, the inclusion of people from different backgrounds in the selection of candidates is a matter of social responsibility. Companies have a role in combating discrimination and social exclusion, and that starts with selecting candidates.

Other important actors

For example, as investors, shareholders and business partners, they can also see diversity as a positive value, as it demonstrates that the company is aligned with the best practices of corporate governance and social responsibility.

Challenges of having a diverse team in the workplace

Building a more inventive and inclusive organization requires a diverse workforce at work, but this is not a simple process. Building a diverse and balanced team can be challenging for a number of reasons.Many of these difficulties include:

  • Unconscious prejudices: It’s typical for people to have unconscious biases that affect their employment decisions even when they don’t want to be prejudiced. These biases can prevent diverse applicants from being considered for open positions.
  • Cultural norms: Many companies have a dominant organizational culture that can prevent the inclusion of people who do not fit these norms. For example, a company that values extroversion may inadvertently exclude more introverted candidates.
  • Lack of Network Diversity: Companies often source candidates through their network of contacts and referrals, which can limit the diversity of the candidate pool. If the company’s network is homogeneous, it is less likely that diverse candidates will be considered.
  • Difficulty in assessing diversity: often, companies do not have a clear way to assess the diversity of their team. This can make it difficult to identify gaps and set goals to improve diversity.
  • Resistance to change: Some people may resist changes that promote diversity, either out of fear of losing power or discomfort with the unknown. This can make it difficult to implement policies and practices that promote diversity.

These are just a few of the difficulties businesses have when attempting to create more inclusive and diverse teams. To build a workplace that is more equitable, balanced, and inventive, it is critical to be aware of these difficulties and endeavor to solve them.

How to ensure an inclusive interview

Avoiding prejudice

The interviewer must be conscious of their own biases and refrain from using any form of discrimination in order to create an inclusive interview.

Eliminating stereotypes

Stereotypes can lead to bias and discrimination during candidate selection. It is important for interviewers to avoid stereotypes and assess candidates based on their skills and competencies.

Ensuring equity

It’s critical that all candidates receive the same opportunities and conditions during the interview in order to maintain fairness in the selection of candidates. This includes using standardized questions and objectively assessing candidates’ skills and competencies.

Encouraging diversity

To ensure diversity in the selection of candidates, it is important that the company encourages applications from people from different backgrounds and cultures, through inclusive job advertisements and partnerships with organizations that represent diversity.

Biggest difficulties in ensuring diversity in hiring people

Ensuring diversity in hiring people can be a challenge for companies. Some of the biggest difficulties include:

  • Unconscious bias: Recruiters can often have unconscious bias when evaluating candidates, which can lead to unfair decisions and exclude candidates with relevant qualifications.
  • Limited Recruitment Sources: Companies may end up recruiting candidates from a homogeneous pool due to the limitations of available recruitment sources, such as networks of contacts or specific educational institutions.
  • Excessive qualification requirements: Companies may require certain qualifications that end up excluding candidates from underrepresented groups, even if those qualifications are not necessary to perform the job.
  • Non-inclusive workplace: Even if candidates from underrepresented groups are first hired, it may be challenging to keep them on board if the workplace is not inclusive. Companies need to adopt a diversity-conscious strategy throughout the employment process in order to get over these challenges.

To overcome these difficulties, it is important for companies to adopt a diversity-conscious approach throughout the hiring process. This includes creating inclusive advertisements, objectively assessing candidates’ skills and competencies, expanding recruitment sources, reducing excessive qualification requirements, and creating an inclusive and welcoming work environment for all employees.

Most recurring mistakes to ensure diversity when hiring people

Unfortunately, many companies make mistakes when trying to ensure diversity when hiring people. Some of the most common errors include:

  • Not diversifying recruitment sources: Recruiting candidates only from traditional sources can lead to a homogeneous pool of candidates and exclude those from underrepresented groups.
  • Ignore unconscious bias: Many recruiters are not aware of the unconscious bias they may have when evaluating candidates, which can lead to unfair exclusion of qualified candidates.
  • Ignoring cultural requirements: Companies can focus only on technical or academic requirements and ignore the importance of having an inclusive and culturally diverse work environment.
  • Lack of knowledge and training: Recruiters may not have the necessary education or training to fairly evaluate candidates’ abilities and competencies or to deal with concerns of diversity and inclusion.

Companies must intentionally consider diversity and inclusion throughout the hiring process to avoid making these mistakes. This includes expanding recruiting sources or tools such as Linkedin Recruiter, objectively assessing candidates’ skills and competencies, training recruiters on unconscious biases and diversity, and creating an inclusive and welcoming work environment for all employees.


The inclusion of diversity in the selection of candidates is an important issue for companies and society as a whole. In addition to the benefits for creativity, performance and the consumer public, inclusion is a matter of bringing diverse thinking to companies, it is also a way for the company to get to know its customers even better.


Diversity brings many benefits to companies, from improving creativity to expanding the consumer public. It is also an issue of social duty and combating discrimination and social marginalization.

To ensure an inclusive interview, it is important for the interviewer to be aware of their own biases, avoid stereotypes, ensure fairness in selection, and encourage diversity through inclusive advertisements and partnerships with organizations that represent diversity.

Equity means that all candidates must have the same opportunities and conditions during the interview, including the use of standardized questions and objective assessment of candidates’ skills and competencies.

Interviewers must be conscious of their own biases, avoid stereotypes, and evaluate applicants on the basis of their skills and competences rather than their ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation in order to counteract discrimination in candidate selection.

The company can encourage diversity in candidate selection through inclusive job postings, partnering with organizations that represent diversity, and ensuring that all candidates have the same opportunities and conditions during the interview. Also, it is critical that the business fosters a diverse and inclusive culture at all organizational levels.

We have here on our blog a complete guide to create a successful interview process that will help you to find the best candidates!

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